By: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
Photo: Laura Magdalene Eisenhower |
In an exclusive interview on
ExopoliticsTV released January 17, 2011, Laura M. Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, reveals a rare depth of public candor for a member of a US presidential family by predicting the coming collapse of the Military-Industrial Complex and a global transformation driven by enlightened unity consciousness. Her declarations come on the
50th anniversary of President Eisenhower’s famous Farewell Address of January 17, 1961, in which he warned the American people about the untoward influence of “the Military-Industrial Complex” on the US government.
Watch in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Readers can watch the in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura M. Eisenhower above or at the URL below.
Listen to 60-minute Exopolitics Radio interview of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Laura Eisenhower has also completed a new,
60-minute radio interview on the dynamics of 2011. You can listen to this Exopolitics Radio interview by clicking:
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dwight David Eisenhower
In February 2010, Laura Eisenhower first
revealed that in 2006 and 2007, she was invited to join the secret US colony on Mars. At the time, she wrote: “My great grandfather, President Ike, who was also the Army general who led the Allied Forces to victory over Hitler, battled evil corrupt powers on Earth and took on some of the most challenging scenarios in history. As I grew up, I could sense that I was completing this battle that has ancient roots. When Hitler died and the Nazis lost power, the entities − including those that were ETs − did not. They continued to find hosts and create agreements with people who were a part of the… Global Elite, who want to run things through fear tactics, control and the suppression of Sophia or the essence of the Divine Feminine.”
Now, in a public statement and ExopoliticsTV interview broadcast as 2011 begins, Ms. Eisenhower comes forward with her original perspective of how enlightened unity consciousness – what she calls “Sophia/Christ” consciousness – will be the catalyst for a major global transformation in our age.
Two Eisenhowers expose the Military-Industrial Complex
Just as her great grandfather did in his Farewell Address of January 17, 1961 (
click here to see video of President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address), so Laura Eisenhower offers a critique of the destructive effects of the Military-Industrial Complex on our planet, human society, and our rightful place in the multi-verse.
Read the complete article here