Friday, September 30, 2011

Is Jon Stewart / The Daily Show relevant? Why is he virtually ignoring occupy wall street?

Image: "The voice of a generation, so long as they aren't protesting?"
What is Jon Stewart / The Daily show all about anyway? Does he actually stand for anything? Why did he ignore the Occupy Wall Street protests for the first 12 days? Did you know his brother was the COO for the NYSE? It's going to become very clear who is with us, and who isn't...

Article from: 

Why Isn't 'The Daily Show' Covering Occupy Wall Street?
Whether or not you think the Occupy Wall Street protests are effective, you can't deny that they are news. They've been covered by most of the major networks and newspapers at this point. Even NPR, who initially released a statement explaining why they weren't covering the protests, have decided that the story is too big to ignore. However, one major news source has continued to ignore the protests, and it may not be the one you'd expect: The Daily Show. That's right, America's most trusted newsman and the sarcastic voice of a generation Jon Stewart has stayed silent on a group of protesters who probably all watch his show.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Notes From Awake and Aware 2011: Miriam Delicado & BicBi - A Member of the Dogon Tribe

By: Robin Taylor
The Awake and Aware Conference put on by Project Camelot this past weekend was truly amazing. I urge anyone interested to go watch the lectures via Live Stream (HERE).


These notes were jotted down quickly, in a dark room and are mere snippets taken from well researched, often scientific, lectures. Further investigation of the topics discussed is recommended.

**During her lecture, Miriam was joined by BicBi - a member of the Dogon Tribe.

Notes from Miriam Delicado & BicBi's Lecture: 
  • Miriam: It's important to continually be asking yourself - What am I doing in this moment, and what am I doing today to create balance?
  • Miriam: The Hopi told her "Tell the people It's going to be ok"
    • She spoke about the indigenous people being concerned that our fear / people's fear will contribute to a negative timeline... to let go of fear
  • BicBi: The traditions are insulted when people assume it couldn't have been the indigenous that built certain structures around the world or that they themselves had certain knowledge, that instead, it must have come from aliens
  • BicBi: On speaking on the importance of using right language / being intentional with the words you choose, said: Don't confuse the brain w unclear and unintended language

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Notes From Awake and Aware 2011: Nassim Haramein

Image from
The Awake and Aware Conference put on by Project Camelot this past weekend was truly amazing. I urge anyone interested to go watch the lectures via Live Stream (HERE).


These notes were jotted down quickly, in a dark room and are mere snippets taken from well researched, often scientific, lectures. Further investigation of the topics discussed discussed is recommended.

Nassim's presentation was rooted in science and mathematics, and is far too complicated for me to explain the theory he presented or how he came to his conclusions. You can visit his website, The Resonance Project, HERE. I'll just be sharing a few interesting quotes:

Notes from Nassim Haramein's Lecture: 
  • Talking about what we believe to be solid matter, Nassim said "Nothing has ever touched, ever"
    • Atoms are made of 99.9999999999... space, therefore matter is that .0000000001 a very small amount that we are paying a lot of attention to
    • "Maybe matter is made up of space

Notes From Awake and Aware 2011: Robert Dean

Image From the Project Avalon Forum
The Awake and Aware Conference put on by Project Camelot this past weekend was truly amazing. I urge anyone interested to go watch the lectures via Live Stream (HERE).

These notes were jotted down quickly, in a dark room and are mere snippets taken from well researched, often scientific, lectures. Further investigation of the topics discussed discussed is recommended.

Notes from Robert Dean's Lecture:
  • We (The world) are currently getting visitors and are deeply involved with advanced races from other planets, galaxies, star systems, universes and dimensions. 
  •  In his opinion, the UFO / Extraterrestrial story is just TOO BIG for the government to disclose, there is too much to explain - sort of like Pandora's box, there are treasures and there are furies.
    • In Robert Deans opinion, there will not be a televised "disclosure" where the president admits the truth about ET's or UFO's. Disclosure is already happening through various avenues, such as the awake and aware conference.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mayan Documentary Will Show Evidence of Alien Contact, Says Mexico

El MiradorAn Exclusive From THE WRAP

Written by: Steve Pond
Published: September 26, 2011 @ 9:44 am

A new documentary about Mayan civilization will provide evidence of extraterrestrial contact with the ancient culture, according to a Mexican government official and the film's producer.

"Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond," currently in production, will claim the Mayans had contact with extraterrestrials, producer Raul Julia-Levy revealed to TheWrap."Mexico will release codices, artifacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists," said Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia.

In a release to TheWrap, Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, said new evidence has emerged "of contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time."
He also spoke, in a phone conversation, of "landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old."

Friday, September 23, 2011

Awake and Aware Conference This Weekend!!!!

I am so excited about Project Camelot's Awake and Aware Conference this weekend!!!! There are still tickets variable HERE or, you can Live stream the event HERE.

From a recent press release:
"The theme of the conference is How a Unified Global Consciousness is the Real Game Changer. Subjects covered will include the truth behind the secret space program, the elite agenda for global control, super soldier programs, human genetic manipulation, hyper-dimensional physics, earth changes, and much more—such as the impact of so-called comet Elenin, the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and the culture of secrecy that dominates our society."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#Occupy Wall Street

This guy asked if he could hold the BOW$H signYes, yes, yes! Kudos to the people on the streets of New York City right now protesting wall street/ the bakers / the fed / our sham money system! #occupywallstreet

One of the slogans being tossed around is we are the 99%.It's time for us to stand up as the 99% and take the power back.

As the stated theme of the much anticipated Awake and Aware Conference this weekend suggests... "How a unified global consciousness is the real game changer" actions like this are working to spread this consciousness of change, of taking things into our own hands and working towards creating a better world. The 1% has the rest of us needlessly suffering.

We are the 99%!

*Watch a live stream of the occupy wall street protests HERE

*View a Flikr stream of occupy wall street photos HERE

Day five updates from "The Dissenter" 
By: Kevin Gosztola Wednesday September 21, 2011 8:46 am

Support for Occupy Wall Street is growing by the hour. Solidarity actions in Chicago, Phoenix and Paris, France, are all getting off the ground. In Los Angeles, Cleveland, and Atlanta, actions are in the works. Each of these may be occupations. And, now there is indication the Industrial Workers of the World will have members at the site supporting the occupation plus it appears Sojourner’s, a Christian Left organization, is taking an interest in the action.

Read complete article HERE

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Earth Changes and You
For your consideration, a message on the recent energetic shifts and what you /your body may be experiencing from the "Messages of Light from Victoria" blog. Some of the content may not resonate with everyone but essentially I think she has important insights to share:

Getting Ready for the Next Chapter of our Journey HOME! 

Mon Sep 19th Messages of Light from Victoria:

What an amazing weekend we had in our World Wide Meditation on Sept. 17, 2011 at 3:33p.m. As our group met in Pagosa Springs, we linked our hearts, minds, energy, love, and spirits with all of our Family around the World. Chills and heavenly sensations were felt, and tears flowed from my eyes as I felt all of you in a Universal ONENESS. I truly feel we are now moving into the next Chapter of Great Events.

Last week was a challenging experience for so many, as I spoke with people around the country expressing "Tremendous Fatigue" Did you feel like a train had rolled over you? Feeling no energy,needing to sleep, wondering how you would get your tasks accomplished? Many flu-like symptoms are being experienced - take good care of yourselves! WE ALL FELT IT AND, OF COURSE, THE FULL MOON BROUGHT A GREAT DEAL OF INTENSIFIED ENERGY into our BODIES.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Whistleblowers: Drug cartels throw fundraisers for U.S. officials


By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, September 19th, 2011 -- 4:13 pm

Two former law enforcement officials who worked with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as confidential informants on probes into police corruption have come forward with allegations of drug cartel ties to top cops, judges and elected officials.

Greg Gonzales, a retired sheriff's deputy, and Wesley Dutton, a former New Mexico livestock investigator, told The El Paso Times that the FBI uncovered some "big names" in the course of one investigation, but it was dropped without result.

Both men helped with several investigations during their 18 months as confidential informants, the report says, including one that ended with the arrest of FBI special agent John Shipley, who was allegedly selling guns to cartel members.

The People VS Money Magicians

Live Stream of Wall Street Protests:

(Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

"On the 17th of September, we want to see 20,000 people to flood into lower Manhattan, set up beds, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months.Like our brothers and sisters in Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Iceland, we plan to use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America. We also encourage the use of nonviolence to achieve our ends and maximize the safety of all participants." 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

(Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

"Thrive: What on earth will it take?"

"THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that is being released online on 11.11.11 at

THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future."

Friday, September 9, 2011

An Imminent Attack and "The War On Consciousness"

Image source:
Article "The War On Consciousness" and a few thoughts on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11

Many of us who believe/know that our government lied about 9/11 , not acting alone (many countries were involved in 9/11) but working hand in hand to commit one of the most heinous crimes of the 21st century,  are a bit weary that now, days before the the 10th anniversary, they are saying there is "credible threat" of another attack.

One doesn't have to dig deep into the official story of 9/11 to realize there are many (far too many) aspects that do not add up, make sense, or that have even been proven to be outright false. Those who cannot fathom our government having a hand on the 9/11 attacks know little about the U.S. tradition of using false flag events to catapult us into wars, or the dark agendas of those controllers who exacted 9/11 not just on the citizens of the US but of the world, as psychological warfare, but sadly, this IS the way these sick "people" operate. 

Right now the government is toying with our psyches with threats of a new attack, and while we may not be able to prevent something from happening, we can this time around, use critical thinking when and if something does happen. They want us to live in fear, and by they I don't mean Al'Qeada. Let us cast away their shadows of fear and deception and move forward with clarity.

Article:  The War on Consciousnesses:
Posted from Red Ice Creations /Original Post By: Paul Levy Awaken in the Dream 

We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds. The global war on terror that is being fought around the world is an embodied reflection in the material world of a deeper, more fundamental war that is going on in the realm of consciousness itself.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

YouTube's Campaign Against 9/11 Truth...

YouTube has been bulking up their anti 9/11 truth campgain with some questionable listing practices. In the end, YouTube (corporate interest) is only doing this because they have to... the truth on 9/11 (Which is at the very least - that we were grossly lied to about what happened) is spreading and they are trying to put out the fires:

From Involuntary Servitude:

Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's New Video & YouTube/Google/NSA's Campaign Against It

Here is a screenshot of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's new video on YouTube. When you access the video from the embedded version on the Architects and Engineer's website, YouTube/Google/NSA has promoted 6 videos that purport to "DeBunk" various aspects of 9-11 Truth. Anyone familiar with YouTube should understand that YouTube's algorithm that determines "Suggestions" videos never displays multiple videos from the same member in the "Suggestions" video section (unless those are videos from the member that posted the video). Try it for yourself. Pick any other video on: Talking Animals, Cute Kids, or Crochet. See if you able to duplicate the placement of 6 videos from the same member in the suggestion list. What we are witnessing is an attempt by YouTube/Google/NSA to direct viewers to videos that purport to "DeBunk" the evidence of 9-11 and "poison the well" of the 9-11 Truth Movement.

Marie D. Jones to speak in Orange County, Wed Sep 21st

Join the Orange County Mind Body Spirit Business Network Wednesday September 21st for a monthly networking dinner lecture to hear author Marie D. Jones!

Marie is a highly regarded and popular speaker on science, metaphysics, consciousness and the paranormal and has appeared at major conferences and events. She has also lectured to local and regional meet-up groups, networking organizations and libraries, bookstores and author events.

The monthly networking meeting is an excellent opportunity to promote your mind body spirit business or service, and connect with like minded individuals.

"Our monthly dinners are open to the public and are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month, ideal for well-being practitioners, therapists, creative/artistic entrepreneurs, business people, people in transition & people who merely desire to connect with the Mind Body Spirit community."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Documentary: Change is on the Horizon ~ 3 Part Series

From the Official YouTube Page:

Change is on the Horizon is the epic story of how the world lost its soul and how it will gain it back. Directed and narrated by James Rink.

Part 1 Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.