Thursday, November 8, 2012

Project Camelot's "Shadow Operations" pilot aired on TruTV last night! w/ Video

At long last TruTV decided to air Project Camelot's pilot, Shadow Operations. Kerry posted a link to the video on facebook today.

Sapere Aude Media blogged about writing TruTV exactly one year ago - 11/7/11 - to help show support of such content. We are so happy to see it finally air, though support is still needed to help the show launch. You can write TruTV HERE or call 1-800-268-7856 and urge them to pick up the show as a new series.

"Shadow Operations: The Mars Project" features Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot/ Avalon exploring  "conspiracy theories" alongside some of their key whistleblowers.

Their appearance on cable television will undoubtedly draw lots of curious people to the body of work amassed by Bill and Kerry over the years. This is a great day for truth seeking and spreading! Lets make sure Shadow Operations stays on air, show your support by writing TruTV HERE.