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By Lawrence Hultberg ©2010 |
We have spoken often of the 9th wave and Unity Consciousness. It began March 9th this year and is increasing exponentially. There is a time compression in which evolution goes into hyper-speed and things you thought would take years, decades are happening in hours and days. All that does not align with Unity Consciousness will be shaken at its very core. The separation game is over. Scientists tell us about the unified field in which everything exists and is connected. There are many planes and dimensions within this field existing upon which are extremely advanced civilizations. This consciousness and energy on high is pressing in on this 3rd dimensional reality creating enormous changes. There are cycles and grand cycles all coming to a close making it exciting times. These are the underlying forces behind many of the events now unfolding as we speak. The cry for peace, universal love, the ending of the war and disease racketeers, corporate greed and actions out of alignment with universal law are coming to the light and the karmic consequences or action/reaction is taking its course faster than anyone ever believed. The unprecedented increase in volcanic and earthquake activity, erratic weather, super storms etc are all part of this process. Masters don't do boring things and there is a master within everyone waiting to step up to these challenges or you would not have chosen to incarnate at this time. We can greet these changes with wisdom as Gods/Goddesses or as victims. We are all children of the most high, divine expressions of the source and it is time to awaken and stand tall in our true nature.
There is one thing the controllers did not factor into their programs for world domination and that is the soul awakening from within. The big oops. They also did not factor in divine intervention thinking one being was going to step up to the plate and save all humanity. They have no idea of the spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations some of which are our ancient ancestors returning to reset the Earth on its original course. Unseen entities to those who do not have the eyes to see or have not the consciousness to engage waiting in the wings observing their every move. There is a limit to allowing, time and a half is over and now the awakening from within and the help from on high is on the move.
We can each play a major role in this process first by awakening and healing second by helping others in this process. We can also initiate help from on high for free will is honored and the more that ask the more assistance we are granted. Many are having dreams and visions of beings some much like us and some very different in outer appearances. This is where inner sensitivity and discernment are in order. You cannot judge a book by its cover. There are low-level influences in the lower astral planes coming into play as the veils become thinner in the awakening and healing process. This is why I put the healing unseen negative influence techniques in both books, Reunion with Source and Becoming Gods. http://www.eceti.org/Eceti-Store/Eceti.Store.html
It is imperative to keep ones energy clear and do clearings first before connecting with unseen entities. There are certain greys and reptilians along with discarnate beings; which are self-serving, parasites and tyrants. Although some have had experiences with different elements of these groups ;which were not malevolent if you do not know what you are doing you can be easily tricked. These unseen negative entities have had their day with the powers that be. The N.W.O. and controllers call upon them in ceremony for power over others rather than empowering others. God is love and love serves. Never forget this love is the ultimate power in the multiverse and it is love that is bringing tyranny to a close.
So when a strange entity comes into your dreams and visions clear the energy first. Invite a master you feel comfortable to act as your guardian. Sense the energy and intent of these beings. Does their message separate, put you in a superior role; does it serve humanity and the earth? Is it a unifying message of love and peace working in harmony with others and nature? Does the message empower you to make your own personal God, Creator, Spirit connection? These are tools for discernment. If the ego is running the entitlement, superior, separation game at the expense of humanity or nature with unseen assistance odds are your are in the wrong camp in the days to come. The call for unity, freedom, the end of corporate greed, war and disease profiteering is global sponsored on high by the beautiful many multidimensional beings pressing hard on humanity and the earth to redirect evolution back on course; the original intent. A paradise or Eden where people live in harmony with each other and nature evolving to their highest potential. The right to live a thoroughly loving, joyous, abundant life in peace and freedom are divine rights not to be trespassed on by any institution. These trespasses will be addressed in the days to come on high and by the masses. Time to get right with yourself, your God, and your neighbor. Be well.
Pass it on.
James Gilliland
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