Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Early European Depictions of Native Americans

From: BibliOdyssey

Seeing these images only confirms the fact that there is so much regarding the Native Americans (I.E. practices,  beliefs, knowledge) that's withheld from the general public.

The media portrays a homogenized version of these deeply mysterious and intelligent peoples that really dishonors their rich culture. We were taught that they were savages, but It's clear now that is/was us, not them. We are at a time now where the teachings of native cultures, in the America's and across the world, should really be honored and regarded as sacred.

Anyways... for your viewing pleasure

See More Here!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Video: 2012 A message of hope

It's so important to follow our hearts in this time of upheaval and change. The powers that be WANT people to feel hopeless, as if nothing could change or get better, but that is far from the truth my friends. We have the power to live in harmony with each other and nature. We know deep within ourselves that life can be so much better, that it "doesn't have to be this way", and it doesn't. Here's to creating a beautiful new future.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Laura Eisenhower: Unity consciousness will collapse military-industrial complex

By: Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner 

Photo: Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
In an exclusive interview on ExopoliticsTV released January 17, 2011, Laura M. Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, reveals a rare depth of public candor for a member of a US presidential family by predicting the coming collapse of the Military-Industrial Complex and a global transformation driven by enlightened unity consciousness. Her declarations come on the 50th anniversary of President Eisenhower’s famous Farewell Address of January 17, 1961, in which he warned the American people about the untoward influence of “the Military-Industrial Complex” on the US government.

Watch in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Readers can watch the in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura M. Eisenhower above or at the URL below. 

Listen to 60-minute Exopolitics Radio interview of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Laura Eisenhower has also completed a new, 60-minute radio interview on the dynamics of 2011.  You can listen to this Exopolitics Radio interview by clicking:

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dwight David Eisenhower
In February 2010, Laura Eisenhower first revealed that in 2006 and 2007, she was invited to join the secret US colony on Mars. At the time, she wrote: “My great grandfather, President Ike, who was also the Army general who led the Allied Forces to victory over Hitler, battled evil corrupt powers on Earth and took on some of the most challenging scenarios in history.  As I grew up, I could sense that I was completing this battle that has ancient roots.  When Hitler died and the Nazis lost power, the entities − including those that were ETs − did not.  They continued to find hosts and create agreements with people who were a part of the… Global Elite, who want to run things through fear tactics, control and the suppression of Sophia or the essence of the Divine Feminine.”

Now, in a public statement and ExopoliticsTV interview broadcast as 2011 begins, Ms. Eisenhower comes forward with her original perspective of how enlightened unity consciousness – what she calls “Sophia/Christ” consciousness – will be the catalyst for a major global transformation in our age.

Two Eisenhowers expose the Military-Industrial Complex
Just as her great grandfather did in his Farewell Address of January 17, 1961 (click here to see video of President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address), so Laura Eisenhower offers a critique of the destructive effects of the Military-Industrial Complex on our planet, human society, and our rightful place in the multi-verse.

Read the complete article here

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ireland Bans GMO Crops

Ireland gm-free genetically modified crops cabbage photo
 Photo by ellievanhoutte via Flickr.


Ireland Says Not In This Country: Bans Genetically Modified Crops
by Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer,
Prince Charles has called it the "biggest environmental disaster of all time," while Monsanto and others maintain it's safe for humans and the environment. Genetically modified foods are a contentious issue, but Ireland is erring on the side of caution, placing a ban on growing any genetically modified crops.

Ireland will ban growing of GM crops, and a voluntary GM-free label can be placed on all animal products--such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, crustaceans, and dairy--that are raised with GM-free feed, according to a GM-Free Ireland press release. Ireland joins Japan and Egypt as one of the few but growing number of countries that have banned the cultivation of GM crops.

Smart Move for Irish Farmers
The agreement, signed by the government's two coalition partners, declares Ireland a "GM-free Zone."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bolivia to ‘make world history’ by granting rights to Mother Nature - Raw Story

Written By: David Edwards
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 -- 11:57 am
"Our grandparents taught us that we belong to a big family of plants and animals," he said. "We believe that everything in the planet forms part of a big family. We indigenous people can contribute to solving the energy, climate, food and financial crises with our values."
Bolivia is preparing to pass a new law that could lead to citizens challenging environmental destruction in court.
A Ley de Derechos de la Madre Tierra (The Law of Mother Earth) would grant nature the same rights as humans, according to The Guardian.

The country will establish 11 new rights for nature, including: the right to exist, the right to continue natural cycles, the right to clean water and air, the right to be free of pollution, and the right not to have cellular structures altered or genetically modified.

The law will also give nature the right "to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities."

"It makes world history," Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro García Linera said. "Earth is the mother of all."
"It establishes a new relationship between man and nature, the harmony of which must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration."

The New Wave of Love

The New Wave of LOVE

Lauren C. Gorgo
Written By: Lauren C. Gorgo
Tuesday, 22 March, 2011

There is a deep soul-level silence that is palpably permeating the planet right now.  The human heart is opening and adjusting to the amplified frequencies of love, and many are left reeling from all that has transpired since March began.  It's not as if we didn't know the magnitude of change that was before us, but the impact of it all...the integrating and aligning…is now pulsing thru every level of our being, felt in every bone in our bodies.

So much has taken place within and around us that we are just now beginning to figure out where these shifts landed us. It almost feels like we endured a shipwreck in the middle of the night, were cast out to sea on a life raft and left to the fate of the tides.  By sunrise, we notice that we are bumping into the rocks of a new, unknown, unexplored shore.  This is where we are right now with regard to our new level of consciousness.
New Template of Love

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My new/old project Sapere Aude Media is finally getting its feet off the ground! Currently, I have been sharing relevant news via the Sapere Aude Facebook page, from this point on I will be posting original content as well as continuing to share information. I look forward to expanding my presence and to help bring important information to those who are are ready to receive it.

Meredith W.
Sapere Aude Media