Thursday, December 22, 2011

1,100-year-old Mayan ruins found in North Georgia

Exciting News!!!!!! Findings like this support the fact that the ancient world was a lot different than we are told!

But wait: Before we get too excited, know that the scientist written about in the story (Mark Williams) is saying this is BS. What he is calling BS is the link to Mayan Culture. The question of whether Mayans inhabited what is now America, is a hotly debated topic.

Visit this link for a mock up of the Mayan ruins in Georgia

From: Raw Story
Written By: By David Ferguson

Archaeologists have discovered the ruins of an ancient Mayan city in the mountains of North Georgia believed to be at least 1,100 years old. According to Richard Thornton at, the ruins are reportedly what remains of a city built by Mayans fleeing wars, volcanic eruptions, droughts and famine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Alfred Webre Interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek on Mayan Prophecies, Earth Changes and Consciousness

Shared From:
For your consideration: Alfred Webre of Exopolitics.TV interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek 

Written By: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
"In an exclusive Dec. 20, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, author and spiritual researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek reveals a number of the hidden components of the prophecies for the Mayan End Time (2007 – Jan. 1, 2016), including the discovery of Mayan codexes that had been thought destroyed during the Spanish conquest.  Drunvalo works directly with Mayan elders in the Yucatan and Guatemala.

Lawsuit Against the "Illuminati" Leaves Questions, Divides the Truth Seeking Community

Earlier this month we blogged about a trillion dollar lawsuit against the "Illuminati" being waged on behalf of the "White Dragon Family" and others who claim that over two million tons of gold was secretly and unlawfully stolen by the Federal Reserve.

Today we have a link to the actual court summons courtesy of Project Camelot: Summons Against the Illuminati

The case has caused a great stir in the conspiracy and truth seeking communities. Whistleblowers are turning on whistleblowers, communities of thought are being divided and lines in the sand are being drawn.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Indefinite Detention Bill a Death Throe of the Elite?

We live in exciting times! Hidden truths about the nature of our governments and the control systems used to enslave humanity are being exposed on nearly a daily basis!

With recent news of a trillion dollar lawsuit against the Illuminati, the failing Euro, exposure of the Federal Reserve system, the worldwide occupy movement, Arab uprisings and other protests across the globe, the guys at the top must be scrambling to avoid the fate of those such as Marie Antoinette.

As humanity wakes up, lifts the veil and rubs the sleep out of our eyes, its becoming painfully clear(er) what is being exacted against us.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Scientists About to Find The Force

From Gizmodo
Is Higgs Boson Zero Point / Radiant Energy?

Shared From: Gizmodo
Written By: By Jesus Diaz
Dec 8, 2011 1:00 PM

If confirmed next week, this will be the biggest news in the history of physics since the birth of the Theory of Relativity: CERN scientists may have already found evidence of the existence of the elusive Higgs boson. THE FORCE, dudes.
A respected scientist from the Cern particle physics laboratory has told the BBC he expects to see "the first glimpse" of the Higgs boson next week.
That would be next Tuesday, when two Large Hadron Collider teams would reveal the results of their research, highlighting ten candidates that show evidence of Higgs. Those ten candidates were found from the remains of about 350 trillion collisions using the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

What's the Higgs boson?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Federal Lawsuit Claims Illuminati Groups Stole $1.1 Trillion

File Under: Sift, Sift, We must sift to find the truth 

Written By: Dan Mccue, Courthouse News Service
Posted from:

An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Kerry Cassidy Responds to Article Criticizing Richard Hoagland

Recently we posted "Richard Hoagland's Dark Mission: Coverups, Lies, and Calling for a New World Order!" an article written by Glen Canady that accuses Richard Hoagland of being dishonest and deceptive.

Now, Kerry Cassidy, co-founder of Project Camelot has responded in a blog titled "The Truth is Out There : Layers of the Onion and Richard C. Hoagland".

Kerry gives some great advice on truth-seeking: " the end, you have to learn to see the layers within the layers. It's all cloak and dagger, yin and yang, light and dark. But in this game, especially at this level, the dark masquerades as the light and the light as the dark. Learn discernment and pay attention to what resonates"

Written By: Kerry Cassidy // Project Camelot 

Hi all,

I have read the Glen Canady/Michael Vara article on Late Night's Before It's News click here to view and I have to take issue with several of the points made there.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Awaken Your indigo-ness with Project Camelot's Tommy Hansen // An Interview by Universal Truth Evolution Radio

About Universal Truth Evolution Radio

"FORGET the full frontal filtering and false flag scenarios that Governments of all countries expect us to quietly consume, leaving our egos in a constantly bruised and bi-directional daze... Now you can embark on your own truth quest amongst friends who share the same passion for answers. Welcome to The Universal Truth Evolution Show with your Show Host, Jerry Avalos and co-host the Lad as they de-rail and re-train your mind caboose with the latest truth scoop, covering all topics current and controversial in a 1 – 2 Hour Information Saturation Session, twice weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays that will literally fire up your junk DNA with a heart stopping bolt of electric clarity."

Listen to  universal truth evolution on Blog Talk Radio

About Tommy Hansen: