Saturday, April 13, 2013

Healing Techniques in a Time of Emotional Turmoil

James Gilliland  is the founder of ECETI / the ECETI Ranch in Oregon. If you are unfamiliar with his work or the ranch itself, I would definitely recommend following the links above to get a sense of his reach, impact and experiences with UFO's, healing etc. He has a mailing list on which he shares news and writes about current events. Today's message is really in tune with what so many people are experiencing right now in their lives and specifically relationships. He shares a healing technique that can be used for protection and clearing:

5D Incoming and Relationships - Written By James Gilliland

After the great deluge of emails and phone calls asking what is going on with all the chaos, turmoil, relationship splits, and people basically wigging out everywhere, I felt it is time to write this article. Some of the information will be a godsend, to others they will find major resistance to this information. This is often determined by which side of the fence one is on and if they are ready to heal, and take responsibility for their choices and actions. Nonetheless, universal law, and karma will have its way despite our delusions and denials. We can mentally justify many things our soul and spirit do not. Soul and spirit always have the last word. There is a 5D overlay and a vibrational lifting and healing well underway.