Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Agent Provocateurs, Occupy and the Recent Ohio Bomb Plot

(Updated 5/3/12) The government has taken a step further in attempts to demonize the occupy movement and protest in general. 

Today, the media is reporting that the fellows involved  in the Ohio bridge bomb plot are members of the Occupy movement. 

The goal is to tie together the actions of these bomb plotters who also claim to be anarchists into a neat little package to prove to America and the world that occupy, protesting and protesters are bad, mmkay?

Kerry Cassidy Lecture Notes - 2012 Alchemy Event

The 5th Annual Alchemy Event was held this past weekend in Los Angeles CA.

Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot got just a mere 30 minutes to speak but really had some good information to share with the audience. (Kerry was also on the George Noory Panel with her webmaster, Tommy Hansen)

Here are notes taken from the lecture. Video of Kerry's talk should be uploaded to the ALIENSHIFT channel on Youtube soon.