Thursday, December 15, 2011

Indefinite Detention Bill a Death Throe of the Elite?

We live in exciting times! Hidden truths about the nature of our governments and the control systems used to enslave humanity are being exposed on nearly a daily basis!

With recent news of a trillion dollar lawsuit against the Illuminati, the failing Euro, exposure of the Federal Reserve system, the worldwide occupy movement, Arab uprisings and other protests across the globe, the guys at the top must be scrambling to avoid the fate of those such as Marie Antoinette.

As humanity wakes up, lifts the veil and rubs the sleep out of our eyes, its becoming painfully clear(er) what is being exacted against us.

One must wonder, are actions like America's National Defense Authorization Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act desperate attempts by the powers that be to try and get a handle on the awakening of humanity? Sort of sounds like a "thumb to fix the hole-in-the-dam" attempt. Actually, it may be a real sign of progress.

It's not too much of a stretch to assume that once in place, the National Defense Auth Act could be used to sweep occupiers off the streets indefinitely to thin the population of its dissenters, or that the SOPA internet bill will be used to slow or nearly kill the sharing of the type of information the mainstream media outlets are diametrically opposed to reporting on.

The nice thing about all this effort to keep humanity down, is that it will suddenly impact the lives of people not even paying attention to whats going on right now. Any deniers that there is a vast conspiracy to control and enslave populations through various techniques such as debt and mind control, will start to reconsider their position.  

With every outlandish attempt the elites make to control us, the more people they wake up. Perhaps we should be grateful they are pushing so hard. Sapere Aude Media says, thank you, it must be exhausting!!

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