Monday, February 20, 2012

James Gilliland: Which World Are You In?

Newsletter Entry Written By: James Gilliland of ECETI~
Though some may be off-put by recent predictions by James, I think this message speaks volumes to what many of us are experiencing at this time- please enjoy <3

With all the new energies coming in it seems people are wigging out projecting and transmitting energies to fictitious enemies. Some are completely unaware of where these energies are coming from. There is often more than one source. It is a multilevel problem yet the point of power lies within self. There is the reactionary mind and the wounded ego always looking for external sources and bogey men as the source for their anger and unhappiness. The wounded ego; which will go to the greatest lengths to validate and justify external forces, others as the source of their problems and unhappiness rather than go within and observe the reoccurring patterns. It will try to gather others to support its cause to maintain itself as victim or validate the external enemy.
They will have a long list of people and events to validate external forces responsible for their anger, sadness and victimization. Yet if we magnetize to us people, places and events then where does the responsibility lie? If we are creating from reactionary mind and a wounded ego what are we creating? We often project on others until they become the projections or finally set a firm boundary.

If you are constantly transmitting anger, fear, judgment, victim patterns to others they will eventually react in the same manner or become the projection unless they are firmly established in their own center. Only when one is centered and healed can they really see the big picture. Nothing is ever as it seems and we live in a world of opposites and illusions, fictitious assumptions and creations until we master our selves and start operating from creationary mind. The creationary mind is coming from ones Godself and the reactionary mind is coming from the ego.The ego is very tricky and often will assume the position of the voice of God which could never possibly be wrong. There are great masters supporting at-one-ness, unity consciousness, peace, harmony, service to others just as there are darker forces supporting all the baser self centered me thoughts coming from the ego with all its wounds of the past.

What it all boils down to what are you transmitting, what are you focusing your attention on, what are you allowing to channel through you? The observer is the point of power not the runamuk ego blaming and projecting everything external creating fictitious enemies and allowing darker forces to feed off of and energize these be lie fs. Most of the time it is just a matter of re-framing the experience, look at it with the eyes of gratitude, focus and be grateful for what you have, what has been given. Much of what is given and of true value may not meet your egos specifications yet spiritually you have abundance. We have two worlds from which to choose and at any moment we can step out of the ego, let go of the fictitious enemies, stop the negative transmissions, forgive and look through the eyes of gratitude. Then the people, places, things and events in your life transform. We can continue to project, blame, transmit and feed the baser world thus it being the world in which we live. It has always been a matter of choice and consequence as well as where you focus. I personally want to focus my energy on the awakening and healing process from creationary mind rather than being depleted and redirected due to dramas created by those who resist their own healing process and persist in making it everyone elses problem.

(For the complete entry, sign up for the ECETI Newsletter)

James Gilliland

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