Friday, January 25, 2013

Disclosure and the proverbial carrot on the stick

Image from
Written By: M. Archuleta / Sapere Aude Media

I didn’t get around to posting much this past year due to the birth of my daughter in late August, but I’ve been excited to jump back into things for 2013. Recently I’ve been paying a lot of attention to what is out there in the form of news and information. It’s not that I didn’t stay informed in 2012, I continued to connect the dots but I didn’t have this insatiable hunger driving me to consume endless information from outer sources. In fact, my pregnant disposition literally forced me to tune out of what was going on outside me, and tune into what was going on inside.

Just a few days ago I was excited to see an article posted by conspiracy friendly sites stating that Russian Prime Minster Medvedev had proclaimed ”the time has come” for Obama to tell the world the truth about UFO’s. “Russia Orders Obama: Tell World About Aliens, Or We Will”

Wow really? Could it be for realsies this time?

Even though Medvedev told a reporter in December 2012 that aliens did in fact exist and live among us, there was no warning issued to Obama over disclosure during his speech at the World Economic Forum this week. 

The rumor began after Medvedev’s speaking notes were published on the WEF's website  (currently in session this week). In it, under a section titled “X Factors from Nature”, the last bullet point reads: “Discovery of alien life: Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”

Though aliens are listed as a topic of discussion on his agenda, it points more to a philosophical conversation about the psychological impact it would have on humanity and likely the economic implications.

Yet websites had published an article that quoted Medvedev as saying ““time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.”

So where is the miss-step? I think it really comes down to listening to outside sources vs our own inner truths.

The article was published on alternative news site “” by an anonymous writer under the pen name “Sorcha Faal”.  Faal has published a series of reports over the years, some with great information, and some that fall short on fact. In this case, it is still unclear where Faal had extracted the quote from Medvedev saying “the time has come”. Like so many other possible disinformation campaigns, Faals articles mix truth with half truths and seemingly downright fabrications.

So what is the purpose of these sorts of posts? I think it’s a form of distraction and emotional entanglement meant to lead us away from what we know is true. So many of us sit in front of the computer screen and get wrapped up in the endless stream of information, that sometimes we forget that we don’t need anything outside ourselves to validate our inner truths.

It’s time to release an expectancy of when if at all an official alien disclosure will happen. We need to unwind and stop chomping at the informational bit and just allow. I'm not saying stop informing yourself, but maybe  we need to let go of our emotional attachment to the idea of alien disclosure by our governments.

We don’t need outside sources to confirm to us that which we already know. It is happening all around us. We KNOW there are extraterrestrials; we know there are UFO both “ours” and “theirs”.

We should use discernment on our quest for truth or we may end up chasing the proverbial carrot on the stick. Lets continue to do what works, citizen journalism and reporting, sharing our personal experiences and looking to ourselves and within ourselves for the answers.

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