From the Examiner.com |
Braco is internationally known for his healing sessions in which he "gazes" silently over crowds. The sessions are priced at a mere $8 to cover venue fees. Learn more about Braco
HERE on his official website:
For fifteen years, people from all over Europe have been streaming to Zagreb, Croatia to experience and be healed through the simple act of gazing with a kind and gentle man who goes by the name of Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). While Braco doesn’t call himself a healer, hundreds of thousands around the world do.
The healings are unexplainable, yet undeniable. Reams of documentation recount stories of countless souls remarkably and often spontaneously transformed by standing before Braco’s silent gaze -- and not just physical healings, but emotional, spiritual, mental, and interpersonal healings, too.
Braco will be back here in Los Angeles June 25th and 26th. Check
HERE for the schedule and ticket sales.
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