Friday, June 3, 2011

Mainstream media touts new "Al Qaeda" video to promote gun control, leaving prisoners in Guantanamo

Did you know that Al Qaeda was created by the CIA, and that there is no real network of "terrorists" that call themselves by that name? It was a name the CIA created for a database of people they deemed "terrorists" that didn't necessarily have ties or belong to one unified group. Don't take my word for it, read about it here: "CIA created Al Qaeda" and here: "The myths of Al Qaeda"

Interesting it is then, that a new "Al Qaeda" video has surfaced showing an American turned terrorist (Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset) speaking in eglish, asking Al Qaeda members in the U.S. to go buy guns and shoot people. HMMMMM.

ABC News posted this article today:

New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People 


June 3, 2011

In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.
"What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released. "Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom."
Read the entire article HERE

Gee I wonder if this story will lend itself to the case of gun control in America? Or bring support for keeping prisoners in Guantanamo who have never been officially charged with anything?

I don't know what's up with the story tellers, but cmon the agenda is so thinly veiled you can see through it without having to lift anything up. They roll out these Al Qaeda videos in very timely settings, like before US elections. . .

One particularly troubling and telling statement from Gadahn, the (CIA) operative in the video states:
"You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"
Hmm new legislation coming to ban automatic gun sales at gun shows? Why does the Al Qaeda seem to want all the things our government wants? If you believe the official fairytale of 9/11, then logically you might think, wait, the terrorists hated us for our freedoms, but all these years after 9/11, the terrorists must have won, because since that day, the American people have had increasing less freedom.

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