Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The case against elitism and a blueprint for unification of the truth movement

From Activist Post:

Written By: Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post  8/2/11

 It is hard to deny the fact that the so-called “truth movement” has been gaining steam over the years. Now, we could argue all day long about what exactly the truth movement is, but for the sake of clarity I define it as the movement away from blind trust and belief in government and the mainstream media.

Under this definition, it would mean every single person questioning the official story of September 11th, 2001, or any other terrorist attack, anyone who sees the movement towards centralized world government, and the hypocritical coverage of war and human rights atrocities. This also includes those around the globe who question the provenance and goals of groups like al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the ADL and any other organization for that matter. Under my working definition, those who see that we Americans currently live in an autocratic oligarchical police state, those who question the Western hegemony and imperialistic crusades in the Middle East, and so forth.

However, this definition is so far gone that calling it a cohesive movement is nothing short of fallacious. In this article (or perhaps series of articles) I will explore the reasons why. I will show you how people divide and conquer, either intentionally due to them being paid by a group with ulterior motives or due to their abject ignorance.

The main mechanism utilized, either consciously or unconsciously, is pinning a single group or ideology at the top of the pyramid and calling everyone else who thinks differently a shill, disinformation agent, etc.

People will undoubtedly take issue with this because they have been so conditioned to bringing everything back to their favorite group/cause to hate. Some say that it all goes back to the Jesuits, others say the Illuminati or the Masons, others say the Zionists, and others say it is shape-shifting reptilians, while others say it is a Luciferian or Satanic conspiracy.

The simple fact is that it really does not matter who is at the very top of this pyramid. Arguing about it is nothing short of pointless and is thoroughly divisive. I have no doubt that I will get angry e-mails about this statement, but I believe that I can explain why exactly this is the most useful tool for breaking up what could be a cohesive movement against corpora-governmental corruption and tyranny.

The ultra-elite, whatever their provenance, unarguably control legislation and the global marketplace, and arguing about if they are Zionists or Jesuits could not be more pointless. Regardless, we have an emergent police state and corpora-fascist state in America and much of the Western world.

If the people at the very top are the Illuminati, or if they are shape-shifting reptilians could not matter less when a corrupt police officer is beating you to a pulp for exercising your constitutional right to film them performing their duties.

If the world is run by Jews, Jesuits, or Nazis the economy is still being systematically destroyed, while debt is created and forced onto nations around the world. We are all debt slaves under the current system; continue to argue all you’d like about who is creating it, but personally I think that it is a waste of my time to do so.

We can sit around and argue all day long about if the Illuminati are real and if the Masons control the world. Even if we found the ultimate truth, you could still be liquefied by SWAT thugs at any moment. Even if you can prove you know who is at the very top, what are you going to do with it?

I think that the truth movement needs the solidarity found when we can set aside our beliefs about who is ultimately in control and instead focus on the here and now. Now I will attempt to outline exactly why I think this is the case and how individuals, be they disinformation agents or regular people, divide and separate what could be a united movement against corpora-governmental corruption.

I must make it clear that I am not condemning anyone or their beliefs, I am just trying to make the case that we can all unite under a common set of goals regardless of who we think is behind it all. I would be more than happy to protest with someone who thinks that Jesuits control the world and I would not feel the need to argue this point with them. I see it as fruitless as attempting to argue religious dogma or taste in music.

I believe that 99% of the so-called truth movement, as disparate as it may be, can unite under the banner of anti-elitism in all of its forms. The philosophies behind the Illuminati, Masons, Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), Zionism, etc. all are based upon a foundation of elitism.

However, many personalities in the truth movement shy away from pointing out that we can all agree on certain things which can be utilized to draw together much of the world’s population against that 1% that controls the majority of the wealth and material goods on earth.

Instead of doing this, many will divide the movement by saying that because someone won’t claim that the entire world is run by the Jews or the reptilians they are a shill or disinformation agent. Furthermore, there are some personalities who will accuse those who believe in certain things shills or disinformation agents just based on the fact that they believe Jesuits rule the world or that there is a global Luciferian conspiracy.

This is an effective isolation tactic that can easily split up a cohesive group of people. It also happens to be a tactic of counterintelligence operations and psychological warfare.

I could easily isolate people with my writing through the pointing of fingers at specific groups, ethnicities, religions, secret societies, etc. however I deliberately choose not to in order to stay away from dividing and separating readers.

I do not believe that someone who thinks the ills of the world can be tracked back to a Zionist conspiracy should not get along with someone who thinks it is all due to the Illuminati or Jesuits. What exactly is anyone trying to gain by arguing about these things? How will that free you and the rest of the world from the grip of tyranny?

The truth movement has been split into so many factions I would struggle to cover them all. Even dealing with a single issue there are those who are at each other’s throats over what are essentially insignificant details.

A great example of this is the “9/11 truth movement.” There are those who believe there were no planes at all, there are those who believe the towers were brought down by miniature nuclear devices, there are those who believe that a missile hit the Pentagon, there are those who believe that Israel is solely to blame for the attacks and so much more.

When it comes down to it, again, what does it matter? Any of these points of view can agree on the fact that the official story is wrong and that governments around the world are actively oppressing their people through state-sponsored terrorism and fearmongering. What exactly is anyone going to accomplish on a forum arguing if the planes existed or not? How will that make any real change to the world?

I can sit around all day long on a shill witch hunt, saying that because someone doesn’t agree with my idea of who is ultimately in control, they are a paid disinformation agent. On the other hand, this same person can sit around and call anyone who disagrees with them a shill, as far too many people on the radio do.

Again, what is there to gain from this except dividing and artificially separating people on what ultimately is an insignificant issue?

There is no doubt in my mind that this will be a controversial article and I will get some angry e-mails about this but I am sick and tired of watching videos and listening to radio programs that are thoroughly divisive and accusatory. If I’m going to call anyone a disinformation agent or shill, it will be the people who sit around saying, “you can’t trust anyone else, just listen to me, I’m the only one that’s right and everyone else is paid by the Zionists/Jesuits/Illuminati/reptilians/Masons/etc.”

These are the same divide-and-conquer tactics used by “news” outlets like Fox News. It is a great way to retain readers, listeners and viewers. When you convince your audience that every single other person is a lying disinformation agent, it is a lot easier to keep loyal listeners coming back. It is also a great way to build up a cult-like following that is eager to fight with anyone who disagrees with their dear leader’s ideas.

I readily admit that I find myself falling into the same pattern I condemn in this article. I often find myself thinking of those who are not as informed as I’d like them to be as “sheeple” or “dumb.” These are the same exact ideas held by the elitist scum who utilize their intellectually bankrupt philosophy of Social Darwinism to justify oppression and corruption.

When we separate ourselves from others and start referring to them as less-than-human or idiotic, we start down a dangerous path. I have to make a concerted effort to stave off these tendencies ingrained in me by Western society, but sometimes I still find myself writing off large groups of people for one reason or another. This is just wrong and I constantly attempt to keep myself from falling into this pattern that so easily divides and isolates the people of the world.

Instead of referring to uninformed or brainwashed individuals as hopeless idiots, we must realize that they are just ignorant. At one point, I was completely ignorant and if I was able to look back on myself now I would probably call myself an imbecilic drone at that point. However, ignorance is not a permanent state of being and it can easily be shattered by research and the help of others.

This artificial division created by ignorance has to be shattered. If you find someone who does not know the things that you do, try not to sigh and speak to them in a condescending manner. This will only continue to isolate that person from the truth. If someone who has never heard about any of these things before jumps into a radio show that rants about the “sheeple” and the “idiotic masses” or any such thing, this ignorant person is almost guaranteed to find this off-putting if not outright offensive.

Furthermore, someone who has never researched anything in this field who jumps into an article that links every single think back to the Jesuits or the Illuminati or some other group might find it to be “lunatic fringe” or a “baseless conspiracy theory.” This also makes it easy for the mainstream media to dismiss many so-called “conspiracy theorists” based on their insistence on pushing a certain, specific theory, while refusing to stick to issues that are irrefutable and that many people can agree on.

Everyone is welcome to their opinion and I read every single correspondence I am sent, although I cannot possibly respond to them all. It is great seeing people with such far-flung belief systems unite under the banner of anti-elitism, anti-corruption, and anti-tyranny. It is also fascinating to receive e-mails from people who fall into this pattern I cover in this article.

These people accuse me of being COINTELPRO or a disinformation agent because I don’t share their belief of who is ultimately behind the ills of the world. I find these especially interesting because they rarely align in their beliefs, proving to me that vehemently pushing a dogmatic view of the world is detrimental to a cohesive movement.

Take, for instance, the issue of FEMA camps. I can easily prove to someone that FEMA camps exist; however, someone might argue that they are going to round up Christians and lock them up, or gun owners, or anti-New World Order activists, or other political dissidents, or white people, or black people, or any other group.

This is just like the 9/11 issue in that most people can agree on the existence of these camps and programs like the civilian inmate labor program. This is because these claims can be backed by irrefutable government documents. However, when we move into the realm of conjecture, division and argument, we lose any and all effectiveness in spreading a message. I can present irrefutable evidence of Fusion Centers and FEMA detention centers to anyone who cares to look; however, I cannot say with any amount of certainty when or how exactly they will be used. Just like 9/11, I cannot say with 100% certainty I know exactly what happened that day and who is behind it.

Therefore, I will listen to anyone and everyone, giving all who care to voice their opinion equal credence. I will not, however, stand for people who sit around pointing fingers at every other person in the truth movement because they do not agree with them. Why is it necessary to agree upon these small facts when most people do not even know what a Fusion Center is or that the federal government engages in massive domestic surveillance operations?

The people who I think are actual counterintelligence are those who rabidly decry anyone who disagrees with them on these types of points. I do not have to name specific people, as I’m sure my readers know these types of personalities when they crop up. When someone calls into their show challenging their beliefs they scream, threaten and insult. How do you think that makes every other person who might agree with the caller feel? It isn’t farfetched to see that these tactics divide and isolate people who otherwise could unite under a common set of goals.

I think that the truth movement is in desperate need of a unifying element, a cohesive issue on which we can all agree and actively campaign for. This could be the illegal and inhumane wars in the Middle East, it could be the manipulation of the markets by Wall Street, it could be the private Federal Reserve’s deliberate devaluation of the dollar and their corrupt loaning practices, or any number of issues.

We must all accept that we will not agree, and get over it. If someone disagrees with your belief that the ills of the world are due to the Freemasons, so be it. Get over it and move on to something you can agree on. If you believe that Zionists control the world and someone else believes it is a Jesuit conspiracy, so be it. Move on and find something you can agree on.

Without doing this, we will continue to stay fragmented and divided. We will continue to be small pockets of individuals who believe in certain things and that certain people are behind those things, instead of drawing everyone together under a common cause which could make a real impact on the world.

Personally, I do not think that it is as simple as a single group of people united under an ideology or ethnic background; I think that the ultimate problem is elitism and extreme greed. You may call me a disinformation agent since I’m not saying the Jesuits are behind it all. So be it. I will be happy to listen or read while you explain your beliefs but if you separate yourself from everyone who disagrees with you on this, you will continue to be the problem.

The truth movement needs to find things we can agree on and start ignoring the things we do not, since these are factors which we cannot have any immediate impact on. Say you believe that at the highest levels of the world’s power structure there is a group known as the Illuminati. That’s all well and good, but what exactly is this knowledge going to do? If you tell someone this and convince them of it, what can they do about it?

There are some things that we can have an immediate impact on around us, and these things start at the local level. We can unite under the common cause of fighting corruption and tyranny, starting with local governments and communities. We can move back towards a community-focused way of living in which we stop relying on multinational corporations to provide us with everything, and instead help out and support the local economy comprised of our neighbors and friends. We can plant community gardens, start book groups, have documentary screenings, debates, etc. all while accepting that we all might disagree but that we can all agree that something needs to change.

The best way to fight the cancerous divisiveness that tears apart what could be a solid movement is by simply accepting others’ beliefs. I’m not going to try to convince someone that their religion is wrong. That would be silly, in my opinion. The same goes with someone’s belief regarding the international power structure.

Until we start breaking down the lowest level of the power structure, we should not concern ourselves with arguing and dividing over who is at the top. There will still be corrupt local governments like in Quartzsite, Arizona. We must remove the foundation of the pyramid of power before we can dismantle the capstone. Once we unite and start making those on the bottom, like law enforcement and military personnel, realize that they are getting manipulated and taken advantage of just like everyone else, we can start destroying this system from within.

Feel free to e-mail me and tell me that I’m wrong or that I’m covering for one group or another, I’d be happy to read your thoughts. However, while you’re angrily writing out those e-mails and attempting to ferret out the disinformation agents, I will be attempting to unite and solidify what should be a cohesive movement against tyranny and corruption. I will continue to look forward and see what I can do to make a change instead of attempting to force people to align with my beliefs.

I recommend that more people out there attempt this and try your hardest to find common ground individuals you disagree with. Instead of bickering about Zionist control vs. Jesuit control, you could be seeing that despite these minor disagreements, you have a lot in common with the other person. This is what the truth movement needs and without it, we will continue to stay divided into small dogmatic pockets that cannot easily unite and spread a common message across the world.

What do you think? Should we continue to fight over if certain personalities might be disinformation agents because they do not agree with you, or should we instead notice that we all have some beliefs in common? Feel free to send me your comments, questions, and even your insults or accusations to admin@endthelie.com

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at admin@EndtheLie.com

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