Thursday, August 4, 2011


Written By:
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM(hon.)
Article Originally posted HERE


This article details events in musical history that are central to understanding and treating modern psychopathology, social aggression, political corruption, genetic dysfunction, and cross-cultural degeneration of traditional values risking life on earth.  This history concerns A=440Hz “standard tuning,” and the Rockefeller Foundation’s military commercialization of music. The monopolization of the music industry features this imposed frequency that is “herding” populations into greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illnesses and financial impositions profiting the agents, agencies,  and companies engaged in the monopoly.  Alternatively, the most natural, instinctively attractive, A=444Hz (C5=528Hz) frequency that is most vividly displayed botanically has been suppressed. That is, the “good vibrations” that the plant kingdom obviously broadcasts in its greenish-yellow display, remedial to emotional distress, social aggression, and more, has been musically censored. Thus, a musical revolution is needed to advance world health and peace, and has already begun with musicians retuning their instruments to perform optimally, impact audiences beneficially, and restore integrity to the performing arts and sciences. Music makers are thus urged to communicate and debate these facts, condemn the militarization of music that has been secretly administered, and retune instruments and voices to frequencies most sustaining and healing.


Contrary to popular opinion, the most powerful “hard” science influencing society, politics, and economics is behavioral science. This generally neglected fact enables advertising agencies, social engineers, marketing firms, and the persuasive media, to direct people, like cattle, most profitably.

A flock of sheep, for example, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual, responds synchronously to stimuli, such as approaching dogs or humans, due to a special set of nerve cells that fire electrically causing the release of stress hormones associated with the flight response and herd behavior.(1) Malcolm Gladwell’s, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, cites social examples of the small levels or percentages of a total population required to act, “at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable” for the entire social network.(2)

There have been many unexplained “mass hysteria” episodes recorded besides the War of the Worlds fright that was broadcast by CBS Radio and narrated by Orson Welles, on October 30, 1938.(3) Bartholomew called a related public health crisis, “Occupational Mass Psychogenic Illness” in Transcultural Psychiatry.(4) Wessely added the warning that this bizarre herd behavior impacting health and well-being reflects poorly on our mass mindset inspired by the terroristic media. He wrote:

“[I]t is easy to lose sight of the dynamic, protean [varied] nature of mass sociogenic illness and its historical and transcultural manifestations, which mirror popular social and cultural preoccupations that define each era and reflect unique social beliefs about the nature of the world.”(5)


Assuming the field of physics, including biophysics, is valid, and the universe, including life, is primordially constructed energetically-- mathematically/harmonically/musically--energy (including bioenergy or spirituality as a medium of consciousness) impacts us physically very powerfully, and is mediated vibrationally, really hydrosonically, through sounds’ effects on water.(6)

Water, nearly eighty percent of human body weight, is a liquid crystal superconductor. “Structured water” science,(7) as well as the field of electro-genetics,(6) proves this thesis adequately, given light (photons) and sound (phonons) have been shown to signal communications within and between cells , via a liquid crystal proteo-glycan matrix in cells and tissues.(6) This strongly evidences the theory of hydrosonic creationism involving DNA and structured water.(7) Thus, bio-creation and health restoration may have more to do with frequencies of sound energy, or music, than has been thought.

Read the Complete Article By Dr. Leonard Horowitz HERE

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