Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Living in Ayni (Eye-nee) ~ A Shamanic Concept of Balance
From Shaman Tantra

Ayni: Living in Balance
by Jeffre TallTrees Ph.D.  

The Q'ero of the Andes in Peru have a concept they call Ayni. Is it at the very heart of their teachings. It is the foundation of their mores and it lives strongly in their hearts and minds.

Ayni is the way to live one's life. Live your life in balance. It is the way of nature, the way of the Pacha Mama (mother earth). It isn't so you will go to heaven, it is simply the way it is. When you give, you will receive, or must receive, because it is an energetic law of the cosmos.

Similarly if you receive, you give. It is done without question. For example, if you take something from the Pacha Mama, consider it a gift. It then becomes your responsibility to give something back: a piece of hair, a coin, a prayer. It is a consciousness of every act.

Sometimes they speak of Ayni as right relationship. The reference is the right relationship with the Pacha Mama and the All That Is. You always know where you are in the scheme of things. It is not based on guilt, but more on a proactive belief that everything is connected. If you prosper, all will prosper. And vice versa.

Ayni is living impeccably. Walk your talk. Keep your promises. Recognize and respect the sacredness of everything. Take care of yourself, but take care of all your relations, too.

I think of Ayni as a conscious life. Consciousness is the desire to understand ones self and love ones self so much that you become a clear vessel without hidden motives nor shame and blame. As your love for self grows, your love for all of Spirit's creations grows too. It is a profound respect for life in every moment.

Embracing the concept of Ayni is an important step toward mental, physical and spiritual healing, growth and wholeness. Being born into this culture where each of us is considered separate from the whole and competition a positive thing, we may have to exert effort to understand Ayni and to live Ayni. Learning to look inside for the answers is a great place to start.

Shamanic healing is holistic healing bringing your energy, your psyche and your physical health into alignment with Spirit.

Mi Takuye Oyacin - To All My Relations. This is a respectful Native American prayer which honors all living beings and is a great reminder of our oneness. I think it and say it often. I encourage you to do the same.

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